twinsize adjustable beds single twin size adjustable bed


Twinsize Adjustable Beds are also called Twin Size and Single

adjustable bed

You can choose your twinsize adjustable bed with a variety of adjustable bed mattresses:  Innerspring, Latex Foam, Tempurpedic Memory Foam and Air Adjustable Bed Mattresses

twinsize adjustable bedstwin motor bedsTwinsize Adjustable Beds comes in your choice of three lengths:

  • 38" x 74" Twin Regular Electropedic Adjustable Bed for people 5'3" and shorter

  • 38" x 80" Twin Extra Long Electropedic Adjustable Bed for people between 5'5" and 6'1". and

  • 38" x 84" Twin (CA) King Length Electropedic Adjustable Bed for people over 6'1"


motorized powered twinsizeNothing in the WORLD is more COMFORTABLE and RELAXING than an Electrical Adjustable Bed.  Why?  Because you get the control in your hand.  You get to adjust your back and your legs to almost any position you desire.   No other bed, but an Electronic Adjustable Bed, allows you to electrically elevate your legs to reverse and reduce the pressure on your lower back.  You simply stop where you are most comfortable.

Other people have SWELLING OF THE LEGS, Muscle Cramps, Varicose Veins and Circulator Problems.  The Doctor will usually tell you to get your LEGS and FEET above your HEART level.  This is what also makes your Automatic Bed very RELAXING, just like getting your legs up on a Recliner Chair. 

When you are on your FEET all day, or are sitting all day, it is harder on your VENOUS system, because your CIRCULATORY system is working against gravity.  Have you ever been so tired where you are exhausted or feel like you wish like you were upside down.  Well, on your Motorized  Bed you can actually elevate your Legs above your Heart Level to let GRAVITY work with your Venous System, instead of against it. 

single twin automatic bedmotorized adjustable bed twinAND WHEN YOU can also sleep your choice of Mattress and Firmness, you will feel your whole body able to just totally let go.  Again, NOTHING in the World is more Comfortable or Relaxing than an Electric Adjustable Bed.

motor twin sizeTHE HIGHER THE BACK, you can help take the pressure off your Neck, Shoulders and Upper Back.  Again, you simply stop where you are most comfortable.  You can get an Electronic Powered Adjustable Bed to be made at a lower height or a higher height.  You want your THIGHS to be above your KNEE height - it is twice as easy to stand up!

electrical bedARE Powered Beds the most Comfortable and Relaxing Piece of Furniture in the WORLD?  Our Customers certainly think so.   Every inch higher and lower is a different weight and pressure on your Muscles, Bones and Nerves - you simply stop where you are most comfortable.  Every inch higher and lower is a different weight and pressure on your Skeletal, Respiratory and Circulatory System - again, you can find positions that are BEST for you.  NO other piece of furniture can do so much, or will be used more.

Turn on the Circular Motion Massage for that Extra Relaxation Plus.  We do not put Vibrators in our Motorized Frame Adjustable Beds, but actual Circular Motion Massagers that travel in circular motion, making your Powered Adjustable Bed very relaxing and soothing for those who may need a little Extra Relaxation from everyday stress and tension.

electronic bedIMPORTANT TO NOTE:  An Power Adjustable Bed bends exactly how your Body Bends.  There is ONE Section for your Upper Back (sitting bones to the top of your head), SECOND: Hips (Lower Back to your Knees) and THIRD: Legs (knees to your heels).  These are also the same exact THREE dimensions like you are sitting on a chair.  It is very important that you get on Your Motorized djustable Bed correctly:  that your body bends in the same areas as your ELECTRONIC ADJUSTABLE BED.  We recommend to start with the Top of Your Head EQUAL to the Top of the End of your Motor Adjustable Bed.  If you don't get on your Electrical Adjustable Bed correctly, ALL the positions will be bending incorrectly, and you will NOT be keeping your Upper Back completely straight - like slouching on a chair. 

An Automatic Bed allows you the most therapeutic sleep possible.

flexabedYour Adjustable Bed Factory Representative is here to help you find the best size, length, width, height, mattress, firmness, hand control, massage system, model and option.  Your 100% Satisfaction is our First and Foremost Goal.  Buying online, by yourself, is a little too confusing and important a purchase without having an experienced "teacher".  We have an A Rating with the BBB and are the most Trusted Name in Adjustable Beds because we believe that selling is simply educating you on your best choices:  We only do one thing and it is for you!

twinsize powered bedWe are the manufacturer of the Model 585, the World's Best-Built Electric Automatic Motorized Beds; and also offer other Electric Adjustable Bed Motorized Frame Models from other manufacturer's (3 motor high-low Powered Flex-A-Bed Motorized Frame, 600 Pound Bariatric 2 Motor Prodigy Electronic Bed, Power Wall-Hugger Electronic S-cape Motor Bed and Higher in the Back Electric Reverie Automatic Bed) that may have certain features Better than the Mode 585.  Our "secret formula" for success is to be very sincere in getting your ONLY what we feel is BEST for you - even it that means telling you to buy somewhere else.  We also realize that your COST is always a  primary concern.  We have the best prices on Used, Economy, Good, Very Good and the Best Models.  We Guarantee the WORLD'S LOWEST PRICES: (800)551-2010.

Twinsize Motorized Frames Adjustable Beds

Your Twinsize Motorized Bed Frame looks exactly like a regular bed when completely flat.

The Model 585 goes exactly like National Bedding Industry Standards:
Frame is exactly 9" off the floor
Twin Foundation is exactly 15" off the floor
Twin Mattress is approximately 24" off the floor

Please let our Factory Rep's know if you would like your bed at a certain total height (for a designer look, or a lower bed to help you get in our out of bed easier or a bed at a certain height, etc!
motorized adjustable bed

Your Twinsize Motor Bed also DOUBLES as the most comfortable piece of furniture in the World:  Read, Relax, Watch TV, OVER 1001 different reclining positions at the simple touch of your finger.


We invite you to preview our Factory Video CABLE or DSL  56K MODEM,
Message from the President of the Electropedic Factory Video 
Cable/DSL  Modem and Talalay Latex Foam Video  Cable/DSL  Modem

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Info Twin Motor Bed:  Read, Relax, Watch TV . . . Over 1001 positions at the simple touch of your finger.


Twin Size Motorized Bed:  Many Electropedic Owner's Elevate their back for Hiatal Hernia, Heart, Breathing, Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders

Twins Powered Bed:  You get to electrically elevate your back and your legs to any position you desire.

  beds adjustable mattresses adjustable beds


Twin Power Bed: No other Bed can do more for your Health, Sleep and Comfort

  hospital electric beds


Choose the twinsize mattress and firmness for your personal use, and take a health break: 

Twin Size Orthopedic Innerspring:  Available in Soft, Regular Firm, Extra Firm and Ultra Firm

Latexpedic Twinsize Powered Bed Mattress:  Available in Soft, Regular Firm, Extra Firm and Ultra Firm

Information Twins High Profile Latex Adjustable Bed Mattress:  Available in Soft, Regular Firm, Extra Firm and Ultra Firm

Pictures Twin Tempurpedic Swedish NASA Memory Foam Adjustable Bed Matress:  Available in Classic and Deluxe

Pics Twinsize Comfortaire Cerenity Air Mattress

"It is wonderful to get a restful night sleep." The bed is wonderful! It is very comfortable and I love being able to adjust it. Thank you."

                                                                                       Eleanor Lortz. - Cincinnati, Ohio
Before you buy a Twinsize Adjustable Bed, please discuss with an Adjustable Bed Specialist your correct Length:

twinsize adjustable bedstwin motor bedsTwinsize Adjustable Beds comes in your choice of three lengths:

  • 38" x 74" Twin Regular Electropedic Adjustable Bed for people 5'3" and shorter

  • 38" x 80" Twin Extra Long Electropedic Adjustable Bed for people between 5'5" and 6'1". and

  • 38" x 84" Twin (CA) King Length Electropedic Adjustable Bed for people over 6'1"

motorized frameadjustablebeds-twinmotorized adjustable bedpower bedAlthough, a Regular Size Bed is OK when you are flat, you lose almost 8" in the bending of the bed (You don't want to buy the most comfortable bed in the world, and then your feet are hanging over).  If you are "between" sizes, Electropedic asks you 2 questions:  1.  Are your legs longer than normal?  2.  Do you like to tuck in your sheets by the foot of your bed.  If you answer yes to either question, we recommend to go the longer length.  You can almost always find Twin Extra Long bottom fitted sheets in the department stores.  38" x 84" are not to be found - you can buy them from Electropedic, though, in Blue, Beige or White.  Your existing regular size Twin sheets will work over you. When you put two Twin Extra Longs side by side you have the same dimensions as a Kingsize Bed, 76" x 80" (2--38" x 80") - You put bottom fitted sheets on the bottom, and most people put Kingsize flat sheets, spreads, blankets, etc. on top.



adjustable bedsNOTE:  Electronic Beds are usually a little too confusing to order online without first talking to an Electrical Bed Specialist.  After just a few questions, we can understand the correct motorized model, powered size and length, Electronic MATTRESS, power hand control, optional motor massage system, brackets, automatic height, . . . that you need.  After 45 years asking some simple questions BEFORE YOU ORDER helps us to assure your 100% Total Satisfaction, which is our First and Foremost Goal.  We have an "A" Rating with the BBB - so we must be doing something right!

`Video Message from the President of Electropedic  Modem  DSL